
Privacy/​data protection

The field of privacy and data protection has become increasingly important in recent years. Widespread digitalisation in all areas of society has resulted in vast quantities of data being collected on everyone. It is therefore easy to lose track of who knows what about us. Elden Advokatfirma has the expertise and experience necessary to help you safeguard your personal data. We also help companies ensure that they have the right procedures in place to safeguard the rights of the individual.

The law covering privacy and data protection comprises a set of rights for the individual and corresponding obligations for those who process the data concerned, called data controllers. The implementation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 expanded the rights of the individual, which in turn increased the obligations of those acting as data controllers. For example, the requirements relating to documentation were tightened up. Many entities and actors are deemed to be data controllers. This can result in a number of legal challenges.

We can help you with the issues you are facing in the area of information management and the processing of data concerning you, or how you as a company can comply fully with the personal data regulations. Typical issues include:

