Elden Advokatfirma has one of Norway’s leading practices covering the areas of financial crime, administrative sanctions and regulatory compliance. We are Norway’s leading litigator with respect to financial crime. Our lawyers have broad experience of pursuing complex financial crime cases through the courts.

Our team comprises lawyers with broad experience from previous service with the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (Økokrim), Oslo Stock Exchange, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, the Norwegian Environment Agency and other regulatory authorities, or as in-house lawyers for listed companies. If the offences concerned have an international dimension, we partner with law firms in the jurisdiction concerned. We also have extensive experience of dealing with foreign supervisory authorities, and therefore know which international provisions could result in corporate penalties if violated. These include the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act.

We accept instructions from both claimants and defendants with respect to all areas of financial crime and cases relating to administrative sanctions. We also offer legal advice and representation in the areas of compliance, internal inquiries, government relations, crisis management and corporate penalties. Furthermore, we also provide assistance to the victims of financial crime. We focus on working swiftly and cost-effectively, while ensuring that fundamental principles relating to the rule of law are upheld.

