Andrey Yakunin frifunnet // Andrey Yakunin found not guilty
Publisert: 07.12.2022
Andrey Yakunin er frifunnet av Nord-Troms og Senja tingrett. Nord-Troms og Senja tingrett kom i sin dom fram til at Andrey Yakunin ikke har begått noen straffbar handling. Tingretten begrunner dette med at det å fly en hobbydrone ikke omfattes av sanksjonsregelverket.
- Det er svært gledelig, men overhodet ikke overraskende, at tingretten har kommet fram til at Andrey Yakunin ikke har begått noen straffbar handling i Norge, sier hans forsvarere John Christian Elden og Bernt Heiberg.
Priv. til red.:
Andrey Yakunin og hans forsvarere, John Christian Elden og Bernt Heiberg, innkaller til pressekonferanse 8. desember klokken 17 hos Elden Advokatfirma AS i Oslo. Påmelding sendes til
Andrey Yakunin has been acquitted by Nord-Troms and Senja district court. Nord-Troms and Senja District Court concluded in its judgment that Andrey Yakunin has not committed any criminal offence. The district court justified its decision by saying that flying a hobby drone is not covered by the sanctions regulations.
- It is very gratifying, but not at all surprising, that the district court has concluded that Andrey Yakunin has not committed any criminal offense in Norway, say his defenders John Christian Elden and Bernt Heiberg.
Note to editors:
Andrey Yakunin and his lawyers, John Christian Elden and Bernt Heiberg, invites to a press conference December 8th at 5PM at Elden Advokatfirma in Oslo. Registration for the press conference must be sent to